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Jul 30th,2009 发表评论

换了好多主题,最后还是相信群众的眼光,用了个官网下载量第一的Atahualpa,开发者是:BFA Webdesign。这款atahualpa模板侧重于博客的主体部分,左右两边窄窄的侧边栏更是突出了主间的主体部分,用虚线分块让人觉得很有意思,让整个页面都灵动起来了。Atahualpa在后台提供了强大的配置选项,通过配置这些基本上可以满足修改theme的需求。不过还是改代码有趣,参考了“活力盒子”CKSKY的一些内容。没有彻底改好 打开可能会有些慢…

<?php if ( get_post_custom_values('comments') ) comments_template() ?>

然后进入后台–>Write a page,在key里填 comments ,Value输入代码

<?php comments_template() ?>



I am not sure if I understood your question but perhaps you don’t know that WordPress has a built in template system:

WordPress looks for a page.php if a “page” page is requested, and then for index.php. Atahualpa does not have a page.php by default, but if you make a copy of index.php as page.php and upload it, then WP will find it the next time a “page” page is requested and use the page.php to display a “page” page instead of the index.php.

Now many contents of your page.php would be redundant, for instance the queries “is this a page” because page.php is always going to be a page.

Copying index.php to page.php and editing that page.php would be ONE way (the usual way) to create a different layout or functionality for page pages.

But you could as well use index.php for everything (As done by Atahualpa) and add additional “if this is a page” or “if this is page XX” conditions into index.php to display things differently on page pages.

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