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CoolPlayer 9 for WordPress

Mar 6th,2009 发表评论
For Example:
<a href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZipRAsT0sk”>Sundance Diary8</a>
<coolplayer width=”420″ height=”360″ autoplay=”true” loop=”true” download=”hide”>

<coolplayer width=”640″ height=”480″>
<a href=”http://www.vsocial.com/video/?d=5255″>Bugs bunny cartoon on family guy</a>
<a width=”480″ height=”420″ href=”http://www.youtube.com/w/funny-as-hell?v=rPw-BwnW7Qs”>Funny as hell</a>
<coolplayer width=”640″ height=”480″ charset=”GBK” autoplay=”false” loop=”true” download=”show”>
<a href=”http://www.coolcode.cn/wp-content/upload/童话.mp3″ image=”http://www.coolcode.cn/wp-content/upload/光良-童话.jpg” captions=”http://lrc.bzmtv.com/lrc_db/2004-5-19-JMRQNPDOKRQJNFOJOIRMNG-42472.lrc” lrccharset=”gbk” width=”455″ height=”487″>童话</a>
<a autoplay=”true” href=”http://www.coolcode.cn/wp-content/upload/我不想说我是鸡.swf”>我不想说我是鸡.swf</a>
声明: 本文采用 BY-NC-SA 协议进行授权. 转载请注明转自: CoolPlayer 9 for WordPress
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